Purple top turnips are a staple in the food plot industry because they are easy to grow and are great at attracting deer. Purple top turnips reach maturity in 70-90 days and produce green leafy forage that deer love in the early season and large bulbs that deer will eat in the late season.
- High Protein
- High Energy
- Provides critical late season nutrition
- Easy to grow
- Great for Beginners
Seeding Rate: 6 pounds per acre
Fertilizer: 300 Pounds 19-19-19 Per Acre
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Planting Dates:
North: August 1 - September 15
Central: August 1 - October 1
South: September 1 - October 31
Seedbed Preparation:
- Conduct a soil test prior to planting. Ideal pH is over 6.0. Adjust soil by adding recommended lime.
- If weeds/grass competition is heavy, consider eliminating vegetation prior to planting.
Planting Instructions:
- Disk or till seedbed to loosen soil.
- Smooth seedbed with a drag or cultipacker.
- Spread seed at rate recommended on front of bag.
- Do not cover seed after broadcasting. Seed should not be more than 1/4" deep.