- Perfect Cover Crop Blend: Forage Brassica, Winter Wheat, Austrian Winter Pea, Purple Top Turnip and Forage Oat Seeds are the Top 5 Cover Crops - All in One Perfect Blend
- Raised Beds: This Blend is Perfect for Containers and Raised Beds (or any Home or Commercial Garden)
- Improves Soil Health: Cover Crops are a Sure-Fire Solution to Improve Your Soilâ
- Beginners: Great Cover Crop Blend For Seasoned Veterans And Beginners Alike - This Blend Germinates Quickly, Requires Minimal Seedbed Preparation, and Can Be Planted With Minimal Equipment
- Authentic: USA Grown Seed is Weed Free and perfect for Organic Gardening
Ingredients: Forage Brassica, Purple Top Turnips, Forage Oats, Winter Wheat, Austrian Winter Peas
Fertilizer: 300 Pounds 19-19-19 Per Acre
Planting Depth: 1/4"
Planting Instructions:
- Broadcast seed directly onto seedbed.
- Drag, cultipack, or roll seed to ensure proper seed to soil contact.
- If possible, time your planting when at least 1/4" of rain is forecasted and plant immediately prior to the rain.